Læsø welcomes you.
Læsø is wonderful all year round - including during spring. The flowers are starting to pop up here and there, the bees wake up, and the warm breeze touches your face. Colours start to appear everywhere - along the beaches, in the salt meadows, on Rønnerne and the heathers. And once you're filled with nature and impressions, many stores, restaurants and road stalls are open for you to visit.
Visit-laesoe.com is your guide to almost everything at Læsø: Opening hours, accomodation, events and activities, inspiration, places to eat, hiking trails, guided tours, where to shop, how to get around, and much, much more. Feel free to spend some time on the webpage to find what you need. Or let us know, if you have any questions :-)
Check our calendar for activities at GoVisit.
Or do like 35.000 others: Follow us on Facebook: facebook.com/visitlaesoe
"Ser man på landets 98 kommuner, er det Læsø Kommune, der med et gennemsnit på 7,95 har den højeste livskvalitet..."
122.000 danskere er blevet spurgt om livskvalitet i en stor undersøgelse finansieret af Realdania. Læsø topper, og det kan man jo godt forstå.
Vil du læse mere om det, så klik her og læs om undersøgelsen
Vil du opleve det selv, så kom til Læsø!
Photo:Tom Andersson
The Læsø magazine 2024
The Læsø magazine 2024 is here! And it is stuffed full of Læsø content and things to read; practical information, exciting articles, useful tips, and beautiful photographs. The magazine is produced locally at Læsø, created in close collaboration with the members of Læsø Tourist- and Business Association. Download the magazine online or pick up a physical copy in Frederikshavn, on the Læsø Ferry, or at the tourist office in Vesterø, when you arrive.
Opening hours and calendar


Winter on Læsø
Enjoy the quiet, the nature, the fresh air and a low pulse on Læsø during winter.
Læsø's seaweed roofs in Smithsonian Magazine

Photo:Tom Andersson
The same great prices all year around - also during high season!
The price for a summer ticket on the Læsø Ferry has been cut in half, compared to 2023. So now you can get all of Læsø for half the price.
Visit www.laesoe-line.dk/en to book your holiday trip to Læsø.
With Læsø Pakkerejser you can book package deals, accommodations and activities online

Extraordinary cultural heritage!
Salt and seaweed on UNESCO's tentative list
Shopping on Læsø
At Læsø we care about good quality - especially when it comes to our many locally-produced goods and handicrafts. On the island you will find small stores and farm shops where both gifts and every day necessities can be bought. Some of it you can even buy online