
Opening hours on Læsø

© VisitLæsø
Photo: VisitLæsø

Here, you can find almost all opening hours at Læsø.

Opening hours restaurants and stores

As an addition to the overview below, you can download a (Danish) pdf with the current week's opening hours for restaurants, cafés, stores and attractions.

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Restaurants & Cafées

Café Bakken, Byrum | > www | > Facebook
2322 1120 |
Week 13: Holiday-closed

Café Buch, Tørkerivej 2, Byrum | Facebook
6130 2775
Wednesday and Thursday 17-19.30
Saturday & Sunday 17-19.30

Café Læsø, Vesterø Havn | > www | > Facebook
4124 0426 | 
Thursday and Friday 17-20

Den Lille Deli, Vesterø Havn | > Facebook
6019 6371 |
Monday 12-20
Thursday to Sunday 12-20

GuestHouse Læsø, Vesterø | > www | > Facebook
8188 8707
Friday from 18.00: Music (Marius Grønkjær), tapas and drinks 

Hotel Havnebakken, Vesterø Havn | > www | > Facebook
9339 1230 |
Friday 18-20

Huset Palsgaard, Østerby Havn | > www | > Facebook
4022 9846
Tuesday to Saturday 10-17

Læsø Bistro, Byrum |
4021 4093 |
Monday 16-20
Thursday and Friday 16-20, 
Saturday 12-20, Sunday 16-20

Modvind, Østerby Hotel, Østerby Havn | > www  
9849 8016 | 
Restaurant: Only ja-tak dishes this week. 
Friday 18-19 (stjerneskud), Saturday 18-19 (beef-sandwich), Sunday 18-19 (forloren hare)
Bar: Tuesday to Thursday 12-22, Friday and Saturday 12-24, Sunday 12-19.

Mortens Fiskehandel, Vesterø Havn | > Facebook
4021 9175
Thursday to Saturday 10-13

Storhaven, Byrum | > www | > Facebook
2427 6667 |
Tuesday 11-17
Friday to Sunday 11-17

Thorsen Fisk, Østerby Havn | > www | > Facebook
2360 6455 |
Thursday to Saturday 10-13

Solalæsø, Vesterø Havn | > www | > Facebook
2726 1921 |
Opens Easter 2025

Hot Dog stand, Byrum |
3062 8221 |
Monday to Friday from 11 to around 16:00

Café Adventure, Vesterø | > Facebook
4044 7654 |
Opens again in March 2025.

Café Blichfeldt, Storhavevej 7, Byrum | > Facebook
2366 1245 | 2242 0293 
Opens again in 2025

Carlsens Hotel, Vesterø | www | Facebook

Hotel Nygaard, Byrum | > www | > Facebook
9849 1666 |

Hummerens Hus Restaurant, Vesterø Havn | > www | > Facebook
4124 0426 | 
Closed for the season.

Krogbækgaard Gårdcafé | > www | > Facebook
9849 1505
Opens again in 2025

Lærkely, Byrum | > www | > Facebook
9849 8344 |
Closed for the season

Læsø Marina Park, Østerby Havn | > www | > Facebook
4021 4093 |
Opens again next year.

Læsø Tang Café
2023 4911 |
Closed for the season.

Østergaard Kultur B&B | > www | > Facebook
9360 1618
Closed for the season.

Hotel Strandgaarden, Vesterø Havn | > www | 
9849 9035 |
Closed for the season.

Bagt & Brændt, Hundetudevej, Vesterø | > Facebook
2223 7203 |
Closed for the season.

Majids Pizza, Vesterø Havn
3180 8446 |
Closed. Opens next year.

Handicrafts / Clothes / Galleries

Bobbyline, Vesterø | > www | > Facebook
5178 5733 |
Monday to Wednesday 12-16 
Thursday and Friday 10-17,
Saturday 10-13
Also open by appointment

DETTE FORM Studio & Gallery, Østerby Havn |
5030 4734 |
Thursday to Saturday 11-15
Also open by appointment

Huset Palsgaard, Østerby Havn | > www | > Facebook
4022 9846
Tuesday to Saturday 10-17

Kunst Biksen, Byrum |
2425 2482 |
Thursday & Friday 11-15
Saturday 10-12

Lykke Læsø, Vesterø | > Facebook
2153 7449 |
Wednesday to Friday 11-16
Saturday 10-13
Also open by appointment

Læsø Garnspinderi, Byrum |  > www > Facebook
2384 6495 |
Open by appointment, call +45 29920789

Læsø Håndarbejde, Vesterø | 
6167 2385 |
Open by appointment

Læsøshoppen, Byrum | > www > Facebook
2882 0939 |
Monday to Friday 10-17
Saturday 10-13

Læsø Uldstue, Byrum | > www
2857 4044 |
Monday to Saturday 10-14

MB Læsø, Østerby Havn | www
4041 3740 |
Friday and Saturday 11-14

Storhaven, Byrum | > www | > Facebook
2427 6667 |
Tuesday 11-17, 
Friday to Sunday 11-17
Knitting café Tuesday 14-17 and Thursday 19-22

Læsø Mohair, Byrum | >www |
6171 4266 | 
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 11-15

Guldsmedien Læsø, Vesterø | instagram | Facebook
2993 9535 |

Atelieret, Byrum Hovedgade 78 
2859 0916 | 

Galleri Anne Julie, Vesterø |  > www
9849 9504
Opens in Spring 2025

Læsø Kunsthal, Østerby Havn |  www |  Facebook
3014 2221 |

Læsø Smykker, Fisketorvet Vesterø Havn | > Facebook
5144 8330 | 
Closed. Opens in Spring 2025.

MB Læsø, Vesterø Havn | www
4032 7906 |
Closed. Opens again in Spring 2025.

Inken, Vesterø | > www
2423 6723 |
Opens in Spring 2025.

Mormors Kræmmerhus, Vesterø | > www | > Facebook 
2278 9111 |
Closed until 2025.


Genbrugsen, Byrum |
Monday to Friday 10-14

Hepi Service, Byrum | >www |
Monday to Friday 10-12 and 13-16

Huset Palsgaard, Østerby Havn | > www | > Facebook
4022 9846 |
Tuesday to Saturday 10-17

Læsø Cykeludlejning, Vesterø | Facebook |
4044 9478|
Open by appointment.

Læsø Slagteren (Butcher), Byrum | > Facebook
3022 2105 | 2176 7703
Tuesday and Wednesday 10-14, 
Thursday and Friday 10-16
Saturday 10-13

Læsø Tang/Tofteladen, Byrum | > www | > Facebook
2023 4911 |
Thursday & Friday 10-14
Saturday 10-12

Mortens Fiskehandel, Vesterø Havn | > Facebook
4021 9175
Thursday to Saturday 10-13

Per Ejners Farver, Byrum | > Facebook
6171 9849 |
Monday to Friday 16-17.30,
Saturday 10-12
Also open by appointment

Thorsen Fisk, Østerby Havn | > www | > Facebook
2360 6455 |
Thursday to Saturday 10-13

Ægirs Have, Østerbyvejen 67 | Facebook
2021 8371 |
Thursday to Saturday 10-13
Also open by appointment

Østerby El, Østerby Havn | Facebook
6126 8503 |
Open by appointment.


Brugsen, Vesterø | > www |  > Facebook 
9849 9012
Monday to Wednesday 8-17.30
Thursday & Friday 8-19
Saturday & Sunday 8-13.30
Delivery: Free delivery on Thursdays. Order before noon on Wednesday

Min Købmand, Østerby | www  > Facebook 
9849 8054 | 
Every day 8-17.30
They do deliveries too.

SuperBrugsen, Byrum  | > www |  > Facebook 
9849 1311
Monday to Friday 8-17.30
Saturday & Sunday 8-15
Delivery: Every day - order the day before. Free.

XL-BYG Læsø Tømmerhandel A/S, Vesterø | > www | > Facebook
9849 9003 |
Monday to Friday 9-17
Saturday 9-12


NT's Flextrafik. Dør til dør transport på Læsø
9934 1134
You can order a Flex-Taxi no later than two hours before pick-up.

DitoBus Taxa
2232 2636 |
Sunday to Thursday 6-23
Friday and Saturday 6-02


Thorvald Hansens Tårn, Byrum |> Facebook
4042 0505 |
The door is open, and you're welcome to visit the tower by paying an entrance fee of 20 kr. /10 kr.

Læsø Saltsyderi, Byrum | > www |> Facebook
9849 1355 |
The store is open Monday to Saturday 10-14
Digital presentations can be found in the small salt hut.
Groups are welcome to contact Læsø Saltsyderi for an appointment.

Læsøs churches | > www 
The churches are open every day 8-16. See events on

Læsø Museum, Byrum Hovedgade 68 | > www |> Facebook
9849 8045 |
Wednesday and Thursday 10-14, 
Friday 10-12. 
Open with a new special exhibition.
Local history archive open Thursday 10-14

Museumsgården, Museumsvej | > www |> Facebook
9849 8045 |
Opens in Easter 2025.


Klinik for fodpleje & fysiurgisk massage v/ Jeanette Vilsen
Vesterø  | > www | > Facebook |
2334 9899 |
Monday to Friday 8-17. Call for an appointment.

Fysioterapien Læsø, Byrum | > www | > Facebook |
4022 0633 |
Call for an appointment.

Annette Andersen, Vesterø | > Facebook |
6168 6220 |
Call for an appointment.

Gitte S. Worm, Vesterø |
9849 9015 |
Call for an appointment.

Læsø Hud- og Fodterapi, Østerby | > www | > Facebook |
6131 8103 |
Call for an appointment.

Læsø Massage & Fodpleje v/Lone Palsgaard, Byrum  | > www  > Facebook |
2985 7807 |
Open all days, including the weekend. Call for an appointment.

Læsø Akupunktur v/Jens Christian Christensen, Vesterø | 
2547 0515 |
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 12-17. Call for an appointment.

TKR focus v Tina Klitgaard Rosenfeldt Hansen, Østerby | > www | > Facebook|
4014 8649 |
Call for an appointment.

Øens Massage v/Anne Høeg
2142 1452 |
Call for an appointment.

Læsø Kur, Vesterø | > www | > Facebook |
4888 1814 |
Opens on April 11th 2025


Salon Bente, Byrum | 
9849 1593 |
Tuesday to Friday 9-17
Saturday 8-12

Klipoteket, Østerby | > Facebook |
9849 8338 |
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 10-18.


Læsø Tourist Office, Vesterø | 
9849 9242 | 
Monday to Friday 9-14

Læsø Tourist Office Østerby Servicecenter, Østerby Havnegade 11 | > Facebook |
2035 8075 |
Closed. Opens in Spring 2025,

Læsø Library, Byrum | 
9621 3124 |
Open for self-service Monday to Friday 15.15-22. 
Phone hours: Monday to Wednesday 13-14.45 

Læsø Municipality, Byrum | > www |
9621 3000 
Residence services is open Monday 13-17 and Wednesday 10-14. 
Can be contacted by phone or e-mail. Find direct numbers at