Fiskeriets historie Vesterø Havn 150 år

The Day of the Sea

Photo: visitlæsø

The Day of the Sea on Vesterø Harbour, 8th of June 2025

The Day of the Sea takes place on Vesterø Harbour, 
where the quay is buzzing with activities, for both children and adults. 

Join the Day of the Sea, where we celebrate the ocean, the harbour and the fishing on the island. We do so with great food, fun activities, exciting storytelling, stalls with souvenirs and local art, and music.

The restaurants of the islands set up food stalls on the harbour, from where they sell several tasty fish-dishes. And you can purchase beer, wine, coffee and cake.

2025 - the final programme will be ready in May:
Henning demonstrates, how to make a "washer" for a seaweed roof, and maybe even a skipping rope! Astrid mans the popular stall with fish and shellfish, and she can tell you about many interesting things about the sea, all worth knowing.

Hop aboard a fishing cutter and listen to a fisherman's tale of life at sea, and about fishing nets. Læsø Fishing Industry talks about the langoustine fishing, and the Coastal rescue service from Østerby will also be present on the harbour. 

There will be presentations about diving, and the strandings and shipswrecks around Læsø. A diver will present his diving equipment and will make dives into the harbour.

Moreover, there will be plenty of activities and workshops for children. By the boat ramp children can make crab-fishing poles, and together we will fish for crabs - adults are welcome to join too. 


  • Workshops for children and adults

  • Fishing pond for younger children

  • Bonfire with the local scouts

  • How to make a seaweed roof - Henning demonstrates

  • A fisherman shows how to mend a fishing net

  • Model ships in Bødehuset

  • Tales of shipwrecks and stranded ships on Læsø

  • Activitities in the harbour - diving and kayaking

  • Dissection of a porpoise, amber-searching and raffle at the Nordsøen Oceanarium booth

  • Open-ship on a fishing cutter

  • Short sailing trips with Læsø Museum's fishing cutter

  • The Coastal Rescue Service from Østerby

  • American lottery with great prizes

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Krabbe, krabbefangst Vesterø Havn Havets dag


Catch crabs by the boat ramps at 11 am and 1 pm.

There are lots of crabs in Vesterø Harbour, and by the towing place near the boat ramps it is very accessible for children to catch some.

11 am and 1 pm Amanda invites all children to participate in crab-catching. You are welcome to bring your own rod, or you can make one on the pier.

Nordsøens Oceanarium on Læsø

Come by and meet the nice guides from Nordsøen Oceanarium in Hirtshals, who will set up a booth across from Carlsens Hotel.  Learn what a porpoise looks like inside, when Alex from the Oceanarium dissects and explains at 12-12.45.
Learn about life in the ocean. Try the lucky wheel, answer a question and win a price. You can also purchase the new children's book "Hvem er jeg?"("Who am I?") at a discount and hunt for the gold of the sea: amber!
Nordsøens Oceanarium arrives with the ferry at 11 and will set up their stand as quickly as possible. 

Guider fra Nordsøens Oceanarium Havets Dag

Photo:Nordsøens Oceanarium

Marsvin Havets Dag

Photo:Nordsøens Oceanarium

Havets Dag - marsvin dissektion

Photo:Nordsøens Oceanarium

30 % on bikes during The Day of the Sea

Læsø Cykeludlejning (Bike rental service) helps you get around during the Day of the Sea. All day on May 19th - during pentecost - you will get 30% on bike rental from Læsø Cykeludlejning. The choices for bikes are broad; men's bikes, women's bikes, children's bikes and tricycles, electric bikes and tandem bikes.

Read more and book a bike on

Havets Dag - børn med sorthummer



Photo:Læsø Turist- og Erhvervsforening

Folkedansere Havets Dag folkedragter Læsø 2


Traditional gowns

During the Day of the Sea, the Læsø Dancers will participate, wearing their traditional Læsø gowns. They will talk about the gowns on the stage in the tent, and  by their stand on the plaza you can find their anniversary booklet, which has been published to celebrate their 90-year anniversary this year.

Havets Dag - tang og fisk


Art and crafts

More will follow, but for now, we can promise that you can experience these artists during the Day of the Sea:

Ingrid ChristiansenPaints on the quay and showcases her art
Hanne Godtliebsen Beach stuffs and maps
Rav-FrantsAmber stall
Lynggård Keramik.Ceramic salt bowls
Læsø SmykkerJewelry on Fisketorvet
Ingrid OlsenStone wreaths and more
Lone RamtungMany kinds of arts and crafts
Dorthe MadsenPainted stones
Karin Vinterby HansenArt made of things found on the beach
Havets dag lotteri præmier


American lottery

American lottery with many great prizes. The tickets are sold by the tent in the plaza, where you also find a line-up of the prizes. The winning numbers are drawn beforehand, so you will know immediately whether you have won.

Dagsture på Læsø - Skovhytten

Daytrips to Læsø

Lots of things to do, while you are here anyway...

Photo: Kjetil Løite


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9940 Læsø


Longitude: 10.924734

Latitude: 57.295848