Rønnertur med Kurt

Læsø's churches

Photo: Læsø Turist- og Erhvervsforening

Læsø has three beautiful churches - including one of Denmark's oldest.
Read more about their history and decor below.

Byrum Kirke
Photo: Læsø Turistbureau

Byrum Kirke

Byrum church from the 1200s w.

Vesterø Kirke
Photo: Læsø Turistbureau

Vesterø Kirke

The church is redwashed with white details.
The church consists of a brick late-romantic nave with a slightly narrower choir, a late-Gothic tower to the west, and a modern porch to the north.

Østerby Kirke
Photo: Læsø Turistbureau

Østerby Kirke

Østerby church is a newer church.
The nave was built in 1867, only in 1928 was a tower built.

Præst på Læsø
Photo: Læsø Kirker

Præst på Læsø

Eva Bernhagen fortæller om sin ankomst til Læsø som præst i 2016