Glad pige
Photo: Vesterbro Fotografer

Stories from other newcomers

Many people have already taken the plunge and moved to Læsø without knowing anyone there, while others have returned to the island. Here, you can see some different examples of people who have chosen to move to Læsø.

Merete Lenler Petersen (single)

Merete moved to Læsø on her own when she was 22 and says to the local magazine:

"There are more openness and more conversation than I have experienced before. That suits me fine, because I grew up in a village where everyone knows everyone. It’s the same here.

Read the entire article ‘Living on Læsø: I got my terraced house the same day I called


Heidi and Rasmus Hass Madsen (family of four)

Heidi and Rasmus got tired of fighting against savings in the children’s sector in Rynkeby on Funen, and chose to relocate to Læsø. Here is what Rasmus says about moving to Læsø:

We’re really looking forward to it. Every time we take the ferry, there is an indescribable sense of peace. The mainland disappears behind you, and the inner peace comes and does not disappear while you’re on the island. That’s a wonderful feeling”.

Read the full article about the family’s move: ‘From Rynkeby to Læsø: Family no longer bothered to fight against savings in schools


The Altenborg family (a family of four)

"We’ve been islanders for one year now, and we feel that we have settled in well on the island. Everyone is so helpful, but there are of course things we just had to get used to. Take something as simple as opening hours of the grocery shops. We would often encounter a closed door when we first moved here. However, the nice quiet pace of the island quickly became a large part of our everyday life, and that is something we value greatly.

Read about the Altenborg family’s first year on Læsø here. ‘We chose Læsø’


Niels Odsgaard (couple)

"It’s e entire package that means so much to me. I have a job appropriate to my education, while living in a community like this with such wonderful nature. To me, quality of life is about being a father, a working person and a nature lover.

Read Niels’s account of moving from Aarhus to Læsø: ‘Odgaard from the municipality

Anna Mejlhede: "Jeg havde så ondt i brystet, at jeg næsten ikke kunne stå op"

Et stressammenbrud væltede læsset og betød, at Anna Mejlhede efter mange års tilløb valgte at slå sig permanent ned på Læsø. Alene i sit sommerhus i skoven. Men det er sundt og godt, mener hun.

Kilde: Femina